Published 23 Jul 2022

How to Sell More Cars with Video



Car Sales Training


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how to sell more cars with video

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video in sales

Automotive Video

Video is one of the hottest ways to break through to customers in automotive sales. Yet, to much surprise, many sales professionals fail to utilize video in their sales strategy. Not only is video quick and easy to shoot, but due to the fact that it is an underutilized method of follow up, it is a fantastic way to stand up from the competition. Video shot right from your smartphone can be used in all sorts of situations, including:

    • Setting an appointment with an internet buyer
    • Switching a customer to a new vehicle
    • Making cold deals hot again
    • Long-term follow up
    • Appointment confirmations
    • Rescheduling missed appointments
    • Social media
    • And much more!

Video can be used in virtually any sales situation at a dealership and is a great way to boost your numbers. In fact, 80% of professionals who utilize video in their sales strategy report that it directly helped them increase sales. Videos help you break through to buyers when others cannot and sets you apart from others in the automotive marketplace. In turn, customers are much more likely to make a purchase from a salesperson who includes video in their follow up! In this blog, learn how to sell more cars with video in automotive sales!

What Makes a Great Video?

Like any channel of follow up, just simply sending it isn’t enough. It is crucial to ensure that the videos you send are high-quality and goal-oriented. If you know the reason behind why you are sending a video and shoot with the intention to achieve that goal, it becomes far easier to get things done. For example, if you’re following up with a customer who submitted in the form of an online lead, then your goal is to set an appointment.

To make an engaging video to set an appointment around a vehicle, follow these tips:

    • Keep the video brief and to the point. Long videos turn customers off. If you shoot long, drawn-out videos, it’s highly likely that the buyer either will stop watching before it finishes or will not even open it to begin with.
    • Make sure that you have high-energy and an upbeat attitude. Remember, videos are also a chance to introduce yourself to the customer, so make a good first impression!
    • Ensure that you answer any questions the buyer has in the video.
    • Show off the vehicle and its equipment and features, especially those you know the customer is interested in, hitting on all the major selling points. Don’t waste time breaking down every single aspect of the car.
    • Add urgency and a CTA. Give a reason why a customer should call you soon and ask them to do something!
    • Offer additional options. Don’t let your deal be centered around one vehicle. Mention other reasons why the customer should come to your dealership, including getting a free appraisal and other vehicles they would be interested in (that may even save the buyer some money too).

When You Don’t Have the Car

Videos are also a fantastic option when you don’t have the vehicle the customer was originally interested in. Every sales professional has experienced a buyer that came in on one vehicle, but left after buying something completely different. So, not having one vehicle rarely has to affect your ability to set the appointment. Instead, start shooting alternative videos until something sticks. A great example of this would be to utilize the above tips again to shoot a video of a different vehicle that’s similar to what the customer was interested in. Another video idea would be to shoot a video based around buying their current vehicle. Many times, the prospect of getting the customer’s vehicle is appraised alone is enough to get them into the dealership. Then, once they are, it becomes easier to sell them a different vehicle!

Alternative Videos

Texting or emailing videos can be utilized for much more than just setting an appointment to sell a vehicle. Videos are great for breaking through to buyers and, as a result, can be used to accomplish a variety of other tasks. For example:

    • Appointment confirmations. Confirming an appointment is a proven way to boost your show ratio, which will help you sell more cars. In an appointment confirmation video, you can thank the customer for setting the time aside, show them where to park, reconfirm appointment date and time, give directions to the dealership, and give them any other information they need.
    • Long-term follow up. When a customer is unable to make it into the dealership for a long period of time, it is important to stay in front of them. Videos provide a great way to stay fresh in the customer’s mind, so they come to you when they can purchase a vehicle.
    • Making cold deals hot again. Sometimes seemingly hot deals go cold, and it’s up to you to make them hot again. Send out videos to engage customers with alternate vehicles, free appraisals or whatever else might get the customer to respond.
    • Rescheduling missed appointments. Rescheduling an appointment that a customer missed should be fairly easy, but time is of the essence. When a buyer missed their appointment, they now have additional time to shop around. Use video, when you cannot immediately get them on the phone, to break through quickly and get another appointment set!

Using Video for Social Media

In the digital age, social media has become an essential way to increase your customer base. Yet, with its growing popularity, it also means your content can become easily out-performed by a sea of other content. So, if you want to keep your social media fresh and engaging, videos are a great way to grab attention and stand out. Adding video to your social media strategy is a highly effective way to get customers excited and encourage them to take action. Here are some example videos that you can use for your social media:

    • Vehicle walkarounds. When you have some free time, walk your lot and shoot video walk arounds of new vehicles as they hit your dealership. This is a great way to pick up some extra deals.
    • Customer testimonials. Buyers want to know that they can trust the sales professional they will be working with. Use video testimonials to improve your public image, promote yourself and make some extra sales.
    • Contests. Video contests that offer an incentive to perform an action can help you pick up some extra deals. For example, make a video stating that anyone who tags a friend looking for a vehicle in your post or shares the post to their feed will be entered to win a free gift card or other prize.
    • Offer rewards. Give customers a reward for completing an action. For example, a $25 gift card to anyone who sets an appointment and completes a test drive of a vehicle. Or, offer $100 to anyone who sends a referral your way that leads to a closed deal.

With RevDojo’s On-Demand Automotive Sales Training, it becomes easy to skyrocket dealership sales! Our comprehensive training platform provides all of the tools, insights and techniques needed to succeed in car sales. Contact us today at (888) 603-4443 or to learn more about our groundbreaking LMS that is stocked with over 1,400 sales training videos covering topics like follow up, videos and so much more!

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