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Get an In-Depth Look into your Dealership
With the Largest Automotive Mystery Shop Solution in the Market
Mystery Shopping
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100,000+ Mystery Shops Completed
Analyze and compare data from your dealership, competitors, and across the U.S.A
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Mystery Shopping
Get comprehensive insight about your Dealership
RevDojo provides data analytics for car dealers which enables precise and actionable insights into your dealership operations. Incognito evaluators help decode customer experiences, identify potential operational inefficiencies, and highlight trends to help you refine strategies and excel in the competitive automotive landscape.
Comprehensive data analysis of your dealership and direct competitors across the US for a holistic view of the market.
Benchmark top performance from over 25,000 dealerships. Identify strategies and approaches that set the best apart.
Access premium-quality data from the foremost automotive mystery shop solution. Understand where you stand in the market and identify key areas for improvement
Everything you need to know about the Mystery Shopping. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat with our friendly team.
How many Automotive Mystery Shops are done per month?
RevDojo provides sixteen (16) total mystery shops a month: two (2) mystery shops & two (2) competitor shops per week. Including one (1) phone call & one (1) email for each. [90-day commitment to ensure best results]
How often are reports sent out?
We deliver automotive mystery shop reports weekly. Our reports offer data in an easy-to-analyze format.
What happens if I cannot decipher the mystery shop data?
Our weekly reports are designed to be extremely easy to analyze. However, we offer extensive data analysis support and custom-tailored solutions to keep your dealership moving in a positive direction.
Who is the Automotive Mystery Shopping administered by?
RevDojo employs highly-trained mystery shoppers who specialize in the automotive marketplace. Our experienced mystery shoppers act as real automotive buyers who are familiar with and aim to flow with your dealership’s sales processes.
How will mystery shopping help my dealership succeed?
Automotive mystery shopping creates accountability in sales processes. Furthermore, you gain important insights on how to improve your dealership’s profitability. Our weekly reports provide the information needed to stand out from the competition and set more appointments.
What kind of support do I receive to implement changes based on Mystery Shop findings?
RevDojo offers comprehensive support post-Mystery Shop reports. Our team provides detailed recommendations and actionable insights, guiding you through the implementation of necessary changes. Whether it's refining sales strategies or enhancing customer experiences, our experts are dedicated to supporting your dealership's growth every step of the way.
RevDojo is the all-in-one solution for automotive businesses looking to thrive in today's competitive market.
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