Published 19 Jan 2021

How to Set More Appointments at Your Dealership Today!


Automotive Sales Training

Mystery Shopping

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United States

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appointment setting

As modern buyers gain access to more and more information, relying on walk-ins could devastate the profitability of your dealership. As a result, your dealership’s ability to set more appointments drastically influences your success.

Furthermore, today’s buyer is educated. So, when they submit in the form a lead or call you, how you respond, makes all the difference. Whether following-up on a lead or taking an inbound call, having the right processes, tools, and knowledge can skyrocket the success of any salesperson. Let’s take a look at the top 3 things your dealership needs to do to set more appointments today!

Increase Buyer Engagement

Remember, you can’t sell an appointment to someone you can’t get in contact with. This is why engaging the buyer is vital for setting more appointments!

One of the keys to success in contacting a potential buyer is diversifying your modes of communication. Hit the buyer with multiple different forms of correspondence such as phone calls, texts and emails. Spread communication out over multiple channels until you get in contact with the buyer. Moreover, make sure your all your communication packed with quality information that the buyer wants.

Videos are also a fantastic way to engage the buyer. Having cool videos to send to the buyer is an extremely engaging but often underutilized way to contact buyers and stand out from the crowd! Use videos to place yourself in front of the buyer and differentiate yourself from the salespeople at other dealerships. Consequently, you can engage and breakthrough to the buyer where other dealerships failed.

Every buyer is different, so we don’t know what the best communication source is for each buyer. That is why it is critical to have diversified communication to set more appointments. By attempting to contact buyers with high-quality information through multiple sources, eventually, something is going to hit and you can go for the appointment.

Things to Do Before Going for the Appointment

Before a buyer ever contacts you, they’ve already spent around 15-20 hours doing research. Yet, many salespeople miss the chance to compliment what the buyer has done. Buyers get in contact with certain cars because they like them and have done their research. So, before you start selling or closing, get in the habit of thanking the customer, and complimenting their choice. For example, when a buyer calls in on a car, thank them for the call and complement their choice of vehicle. Moreover, you can complement how they chose to do their research, including any third-party providers they may have used. This is a fantastic way to build rapport early on.

Once you are in contact with the buyer, salespeople also need to remember that oftentimes buyers are not looking to buy their dream car. Instead, they are most likely looking to buy the right car at the right price. Therefore, they are often flexible.

When contacting a buyer who called in on a specific vehicle, you can lose the appointment just by saying "yes" or "no" too early. A “no” will obviously turn off the buyer. However, if you say “yes” right away to any question, the buyer might hang up because they got the answer to their question. Since they are not calling in on their dream car, we always need to expand the inventory first! So, tell them you will check on availability and inquire if they would be open to other similar vehicles in the same price range. This way, even if you don’t have what they want, you will still be able to set the appointment.

Always Ask for the Appointment

This last section may seem obvious, but to set more appointments, you need to always ask for them. When mystery shopping over 25,000 dealerships across America, we found that a majority of salespeople will not even try to set the appointment over the phone.

A salesperson might wrongly assume that a customer will not set an appointment. As a result, they do not ask the buyer and lose out on the potential car deal. Even if you feel that the buyer does not want to make an appointment, you will never know unless you try. So, never hang up the phone without asking the buyer for an appointment! You will be shocked how often the buyer will say "yes.”

This is why having a call guide next to you at all times is vital to set more appointments at your dealership. The right call guide will help you establish rapport and stay on track to set the appointment. Never forget that the goal is always to get the buyer in the door. That’s why we offer 30+ call guides to help you set more appointments, in any situation!


In order to ensure that your dealership is on the right track to set more appointments, having the right tools are a game-changer. To get to buyers fast and first, use BlitzDial - the fastest auto dialer in the automotive industry!

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